Türkiye in Five Sea Basin

Turkey in the Five Seas Basin” project and the resulting book are products of a collaboration between the journal of Uluslararası İlişkiler (International Relations), the International Relations Council, and the Faculty of Political Sciences of Ankara University. The five seas surrounding Turkey's nearby geography, which is always referred to when defining Turkey's geopolitical and geostrategic position, inspired the title of this project, associated meetings, and the book. ese meetings. In this context, A series of 8 conferences took place at the Faculty of Political Sciences in 2004-2005 on Turkey's current and potential foreign policy priorities regarding the five important regions (Middle East, Caucasus, Eurasia, the Balkans, and the Levant) connected with the Aegean Sea, the Mediterranean, the Persian Gulf, the Caspian Sea, and the Black Sea.
You can access the details and news about the project in Turkish by clicking here.