
Distinguished Service Award

The International Relations Council Association (UIK) presents the "Distinguished Service Award" biannually since 2009 to academics who have played a pioneering role in the establishment of the International Relations discipline in Turkey and/or contributed significantly to the development of the field, to show that their devoted and guiding work is gratefully remembered. Award presentation ceremonies and dedicated panels for these awards are held every two years within the scope of "International Relations Studies and Education Congresses". The award holders are selected based on the work of special Award Commission, established by the Board of Director, and announced after the final decision taken by the Board of Directors of UIK.

Young Scholars Award

The International Relations Council Association (UIK) presents the "Young Scholars Award" biannually since 2017 to support promising young academics who stand out with their scientific studies in the field of International Relations, encourage their development and ensure their recognition in the field. Within the scope of the award program, it is envisaged that academics working in the discipline of International Relations and related fields, including International Law, Political History, Regional Studies, International Relations Theory, International Security, Geopolitics and similar fields, will be eligible to apply to the award. Award presentation ceremonies are held every two years within the scope of "International Relations Studies and Education Congresses". The award holders are selected based on the work of special Award Commission, established by the Board of Directors, and announced after the final decision taken by the Board of Directors of UIK.

Thesis Award

The International Relations Council Association (UİK) has launched the Doctoral Dissertation Incentive Award to encourage the writing of doctoral dissertations that will contribute uniquely to the field of International Relations. This award will be given to dissertations completed in the past year in areas such as International Law, Political History, Area Studies, International Relations Theory, International Security, Geopolitics, and related fields.

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